No. Every time you take a breath, you are taking in germs of one sort or another. Your immune system handles most of them rather well, and the ones that do make you ill, your immune system fights with them, then becomes immune to them when you get over the illness, as it's created it's own antibodies for the specific germ.
By germs
vaccines are drugs that are weakened form of disease causing germs they are used for preventing one from getting a disease
h r
by germs
Yes there are germs every where even in the bed.
A vaccination is weakened germs of a disease. When you get injected with these germs, your body build an immunity against it, so when you really get the disease, your body can fight it off.
white blood cells, They fight the germs to get them out of your body so you wont be sick .
yes every part of your body has germs but some germs are good.