Nope because I'm single and straight and two guys can't have a baby together lol.
It is better if you do have your parents consent. I know that you are probably mad at each other but in the long run it will all be better. You are 17, soon you will be 18 and you can marry your boyfriend. Just take that one year or less as time to get ready to marry your boyfriend and getting ready to have a baby. Good luck and God Bless:)
yes the dream is her boyfriend and she has a baby and is soon to get married
Yes they should because the baby needs a moommy and dad so incase you brak up and you should marry then get pregnant
Only if they are the same dude.
I'm not really sure but she DOES have a boyfriend so . . . Oh! And by the way. If a girl and boy sleep together, they WILL have a baby soon. So I guess she always sleeps with her boyfriend. I have no idea who he is through.
No, he not getting marry soon
well first of all he might want to get a divorce before he can marry you. if he won't get a divorce then does not want to marry you.
If he agrees to marry you.
If you love your ex boyfriend, dump the current boyfriend and go back to the ex. Marry him, and then have his baby. Rule #1: Do not under any circumstances have a baby with someone you don't love. Rule #2: Do not under any circumstances have a baby you can't afford to raise. Rule #3: Think, very carefully about both rules 1 and 2 before doing anything. Rule #4: If you have to ask the question you posted, you're not ready to have a baby.
As soon as your divorce is though you can get married to your bf. If you have to wait for your divorce, you should start learning a little German :-)
marry him
The baby will automatically be granted citizenship since born in the United States. If you marry your boyfriend he will too but he doesn't really have an affect on the outcome of the baby's citizenship.