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Ligaments do not heal on their own if broken.

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A+ Ligament

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Differentiate a ligament from tendon?

ligaments connect bone to bone and tendons connect muscle to bone

What does ligaments connect?

A ligament connects a bone to another bone.

What the definition of ligament?

The definition of ligament is a connective tissue, similar to tendons. Unlike tendons, though, ligaments connect bones to each other while tendons connect bones to muscles.

What is the healing time for a fractured foot In particular a lisfranc injury with only 2 broken bones but no ligament or dislocation issues?

6 - 8 weeks depending on the fracture itself.

What are the cord like tissues that connect bones in each joint?

its a ligament

What is the relationship between joint and ligament?

Ligaments connect ones in joints

What connects bones to the other bones at joint?

jointA tendon

Where in your body can you find the crucial ligament?

The cruciate ligaments are found inside the knee joint. There are two cruciate ligaments in the knee: the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). These ligaments provide stability and help control the back-and-forth motion of the knee.

Is ligament a connective tissue?

ligaments are tough elastic fibres which connect bone to bone.

Can you connect a broken pokewalker with the game?

the only way to connect a broken pokewalker is if the pokewalkers connector is not broken but if its the screen its fine