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Read the package, if it says nontoxic it won't hurt it. Oh and why is your child playing with sily putty unsupervised?

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Q: Will silly putty hurt your two year old if he eats it?
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Related questions

When did silly putty come out?

In the year of 1949.

Why did james wright invent silly putty?

Initially he had invented Silly Putty as a personal lubricant when he was having anal intercourse with his young 19 year old wife, Wanda Wright.

What did James wright invent and what year?

James Wright was an engineer at General Electric who invented Silly Putty in 1943.

Does a silly putty dry?

Yes it can it is very hard but if you leave it outside for too long during the summer like my kids did last year it will dry

How was silly putty made by mistake?

It was accidentally invented. During World War II the United State government rationed rubber. In the need to find a rubber or rubber substitute, silly putty was accidentally invented. Earl Warrick and James Wright are both a credited with the creation of silly putty. Silly putty was quickly ruled out to be used as a substitute for rubber and was nothing but left on the floor as no more than a strange compound. In 1949 it came to a toy store owner,, Ruth Fallgatter, who sold it for $2 a case. Marketing consultant Peter Hodgson eventually continues personal sale of the substance in plastic eggs for $1. During the Korean War, Hodgson was almost put out of business in 1951. The United States began to ration silicone, one of two major reactants (boric acid & silicone oil). A year later business continued, finally reach around the world. Hodgson died in 1976 and Binney and Smith, the makers of Crayola products, acquired the rights to Silly Putty a year later.

When did silly putty first come out?

Silly Putty was made by James Wright in 1943 when he accidentally dropped boric acid and silicone oil together. This was during World War II, scientists were looking for a replacement for rubber. (Silly Putty didnt make it as a replacement by the way)

Who was credited with the invention of silly putty in 1942?

Silly putty is trademarked by Crayola. Some say it was invented by Earl L. Warrick who worked for Dow Corning. Crayola says it was invented by James Wright, who was an engineer working for General Electric in 1943. Peter Hodgson took some of what James Wright made to the International Toy Fair in 1950. It became a very popular toy because it bounced.

What were the first two toys made by fisher price in 1932?

The first Fisher-Price toy was "Dr. Doodle" in the year 1931 and the first plastic Fisher-Price toy was "Buzzy Bee"

How would you use the word are in a sentence?

You are silly, they are silly, we are silly. You are watching me. They are watching me. The houses are being built this year.

What year were silly bandz made?

in 2009

What year where silly bandz made?

Just last year. The idea came out in 2003.

Did a 6 year old invinte silly bandz?
