Yes, omeprazole has been associated with an increased risk of developing gynecomastia in men.
Excessive alcohol intake, smoking marijuana, or using anabolic steroids may cause gynecomastia
Excessive alcohol intake, marijuana use, or using anabolic steroids may cause gynecomastia. Surgery is not recommended for men who continue to use these products.
Gynecomastia is mostly caused by smoking weed.Another answer:The previous statement is PATENTLY FALSE. Gynecomastia is a genetic aberration.
Quite the opposite, licorice contains phytoestrogens to alleviate hot flashes.
Methylfuran, found in lavender oil, can cause gynecomastia in boys. It can also cause skin irritation and sensitivity to light.
Health insurance would be used to pay for gynecomastia surgery.
Health insurance would be used to pay for gynecomastia surgery.
Gynecomastia is associated with hormones. Check with your doctor or pharmacist about any medicine you may be taking. Check your shampoos and body cremes for any tea tree or lavender and stop using them. Have your doctor check see if you have any thing wrong. Kidney problems, tumors, thyroid levels, and liver problems may cause gynecomastia. Stop or cut down alcohol, marijuana. amphetamines, and any illegal drugs because they could be the cause or a contributing factor.
Men with cirrhosis of the liver will often develop gynecomastia from increased production of estrogens.