It is recommended by the manufacturer to prevent nausea.
Metoprolol should not cause red hot cheeks, that sounds more like a hot flash. Metoprolol is used for blood pressure, this may in fact cause a hot flash, if you are controlling your blood pressure.
According to, "water retention causing swelling" is a rare side effect of metoprolol affecting about 1 in 1,000 users of the drug.
There are many things that can cause small red dots and nausea and fatigue. The infection cellulitis can cause nausea, fatigue, and skin rashes.
alcohol promotes dehydration by increasing urine production. This process can cause headaches and dry mouth, which can, in turn, cause nausea. Ingredients (Like Gluten) of certain alcohols can cause nausea
no No
Is it safe to mix grapefruit and metoprolol
Because of its mode of action, Paragard is not likely to cause nausea. Talk to your health care provider about your symptoms.
Because the level of hormones that cause nausea is lower
can you mix metoprolol and gabapentin