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Q: Will mayo turn into maggots in the body?
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Are you born with maggots in your body?

We are born with parasites, not maggots.

How do maggots turn into flys?

Maggots are the larval stage of a fly. They undergo metamorphosis, developing into pupae before transforming into adult flies. The pupae stage allows for the complete transformation of the maggot's body structure into that of a fly.

Do maggots turn into flies?


Where maggots found?

Maggots are found on any decomposing body. They are found about everywhere.

Does rice turn into maggots?

No, you probably had some sort of grain pest in the rice and you are seeing the larval stage.

How do maggots get into a dead body where there are no flies?

If there are no flies then there will be no maggots. No flies, no eggs, no maggots.

Does a maggot turn into a fruit fly before it becomes an adult fly?

Maggots do not spin a cocoon to become flies. Flies lay eggs which maggots hatch from and then go through a complete metamorphosis.

Do magets turn into flys?

Yes. Maggots are fly larvae.

Will you have maggots from dead mice?

no. but they appear when flies lay their eggs on foods. maggots turn into flys when they mature

How does milk turn into maggots?

It doesn't, flies plant eggs in them and the eggs hatch into maggots which eat the rotten milk. Appetizing, isn't it?

What are leeches and maggots and where do they live?

Leeches are blood sucking parasites, they are normally found in body's of fresh water. Maggots are fly larvae they can be found in rotting food or carcases ( like a dead body, maggots can be found where flys have laid eggs), an example is maggots can found in cans of raw mushrooms.

Do flies eat guinea pigs?

Only if they are dead. Then their main goal would be to place eggs in the body of the guinea pig. The eggs turn into maggots, that then eat the guinea pig.