When people talk about milk spoiling, they are usually referring to bacteria growing in the milk and making it undrinkable. Lemon (or any strong acid) will curdle milk, so while it won't be "spoiled" in the above sense or dangerous to drink, it will be ruined for normal use.
Why did the apple with no lemon juicespoil
Of course, milk can only spoil OUT of the fridge, or when the milk has expired
Soy milk does spoil and turn sour after the carton is opened.
No law can alter the time it takes milk to spoil.
milk is sold in sealed air tight packets and it prevents the attack of microbes.thats why the milk that comes in packets does not spoil
milk is sold in sealed air tight packets and it prevents the attack of microbes.thats why the milk that comes in packets does not spoil
no not likely unless it is not refrigarated. most milk will spoil less than three days if it is left out.
If you put milk anywhere other than a refrigerated appliance for 10 days, it will spoil.
Starwberry milk will spoil faster than regular or chocolate milk will.
No cold milk can't spoil in 15 sec, it takes a while for milk to start spoiling estimated time -1 or more hours
yes it spoils alot faster because it has more ingredients