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Q: Will laying down flat help if you faint and if not why not?
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How does not lying down after eating help prevent heartburn?

Not laying down after eating helps to prevent heartburn as it uses gravity to keep acid down. When laying down, it is much easier for acid to escape the stomach and flow out.

Is ginger tea good for dizziness?

No, but what will help is laying down and drinking hot water, not flavored.

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Herbivores Need large flat teeth as these help them grind down the tough food that they eat.

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by tightening bolts and screws down there is a Phillips head and a flat head for a - looking nail a flat head for a + looking nail a Phillips head.

You have tried to get pregnant for the least 12 months but nothing is happened please tell you on what you can do?

after sex try elevating your legs for like 15 minutes while laying flat on your back its supposed to help

How do you kill pyschic Pokemon?

You can't kill Pokemon you can only make them faint. Dark and ghost types would help make them faint.

What to do if feeling faint after biting tongue?

God is it bleeding? Anytime you feel faint drink water and rest. And if food doesn't help maybe see a doctor.

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Castes do help for flat feet

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to help for laying up the insights

Does cayenne pepper help chicken egg laying?

lol. NO!

What do the ossides do?

Kind of strange but they help your ears from getting blasted too much by providing sort of a buffer zone. If you look at them close they look like fuzz laying down.

When your cat lays down and gets up there are pinpoint areas of blood all over the area he was laying HELP?

This could be due to something important.Quick, check vet.