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Q: Will lactoferrin rid of fecal breath arising from the gut?
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What is the full form of FMT?

The full form of FMT is Fecal Microbiota Transplant. It is a medical procedure where fecal matter from a healthy donor is transferred into a patient's gastrointestinal tract to restore the balance of gut bacteria.

What is gut punching?

Gut punching is hitting someone in the stomach really hard. This doubles the person over from the pain as well as taking the breath away momentarily.

What microorganisms other than coliforms that are reliable to give positive presumptive test?

E. coli is the most reliable indicator of fecal contamination due to its abundance and specificity to the gut. Enterococci are also commonly used as indicators of fecal pollution, as they are able to survive longer in the environment than coliforms. Clostridium perfringens can also be a reliable indicator of fecal contamination in water sources.

How long is your gut?

The gut is 30cm

What does hab and gut mean?

Hab und Gut = worldly goods Hab und Gut = belongings Hab und Gut = chattels

What is an cnidarian gut?

Cnidarians have no gut in their body .The structure which performs function similar to gut is called gastrovascular cavity .

Gut gut danke dir?

Thank you

What liquid is in the gut?

around the gut is blood

What might an abnormal stool fat test show?

Increased fecal fat levels are found in cystic fibrosis, malabsorption secondary to other conditions like Whipple's disease or Crohn's disease, maldigestion secondary to pancreatic or bile duct obstruction, and "short-gut" syndrome

What does und sehr gut mean in English?

sehr gut = very good sehr gut = very well

Why did the chicken say gut gut?

Because it was good.

What is That is good in German?

"Dies ist gut" is the usual expression.When comparing two things one might use the comparative diese/dieser/dieses - jene/ jener/jenes (this - that)The closest form of translation is es ist gut.