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Yes I've done this before do not do it.

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Q: Will inhaling mothballs make you sick?
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What does mothballs do to a dog?

It can be fatal or make her very sick.

Is inhaling sewage fumes bad for you?

yes inhaling too much can be poisonous and is very fatal and can make you sick.

Can you get sick from inhaling bird droppings?

yes if the bird is sick

Can mothball kills human?

No they can't. However they have poison in them and if transferred to a human they can make a person sick.

If you inhale helium do you get sick?

There aren't any records that show that inhaling helium gets you sick.

What symptoms does sickness from inhaling putrid chicken salad have?

You can't really get sick from smelling it - you'd have to eat the chicken salad to actually get sick, though the smell might make you feel nauseated.

Can you die from inhaling a tiny bit of glue?

No, you can not die from inhaling a tiny bit of any glue, or else it would be very carefully controlled. However it is still not a good idea as some glue has dangerous vapour that can make you sick.

Are mothballs used to make crystal meth?

No, most modern mothballs contain 1,4-dichlorobenzene, while older mothballs contained naphthalene. Neither of these chemicals are useful in the production of methamphetamine.

Does inhaling cooking smoke from frying make us fat?

No. You'd get sick from chemical pneumonia long before you'd taken in enough calories that way to make a difference for your weight.

Can inhaling your own carbon dioxide make you sick?

It doesnt sound safe! No as there is always a certain amount in the air, however if you inhale nothing but that, you would suffocate.

Does airborne transmission of a pathogen occur?

By inhaling pathogens from a sick person's sneeze or cough

How does airborne transmissions of a pathogen occur?

By inhaling pathogens from a sick person's sneeze or cough