Illegal drugs will do more than that. They will kill you, harm your brain, damage your body, and you can end up a vegetable in a mental hospital.
They clear your sinuses. They really make your nose run if you have a stuffy nose.
yes, typically it will run from 3 days to a week after you stop taking them. depending on what you took and for how long you might also want to have a doctor check for a hole in the nose from chemicals burning thru..good luck and congrats on stopping!
SPEED! dadaump pshhh! Get it! speed... Run fast... drug? run faster... get it???? Joke?!?!
a nose. a nose.
in long run dose dependence damages mental abilities finally they may cause a lot of damage to life including personal &social
If fuel injected, yes. Plus it is illegal.
your nose runs, then this means you have a problem!
all it does is burn your nose and make it run
No the teachers are in charge after a principle plus it is exercise.
OH WOW!!!!!the feeling is so mutual its scary.when i saw you, my heart fell out of my make my nose run with glee.everytime i see your face, i think of my dead dog.OH WOW!!!!!the feeling is so mutual its scary.when i saw you, my heart fell out of my make my nose run with glee.everytime i see your face, i think of my dead dog.OH WOW!!!!!the feeling is so mutual its scary.when i saw you, my heart fell out of my make my nose run with glee.everytime i see your face, i think of my dead dog.
A nose bleed occurs basically when the capilaries in the nose break, and the blood in the capilarries run from the nose hence a nose bleed.