Yeah. It's the same as if you shaved your head & had black hair. It would grow back black.
It will come back a bit thicker - shave it a few times and will add to the thickness.
Yep shave you grey dome!
No, even if you shave a certain area repeatedly; the hair follicles will stay the same! And it's not the blade that reinforces the hairs, they are treatments and hormones.
Yes, it is normal. A lot of people have anal pubic hair.
The hair that you pulled out, will grow back grey.
No, shaving your head won't make the hair grow back thicker.
If you shave at an early age your hair there grows back faster.
get your wife/husband to shave
We Can Shave everywhere where we have hair. It can be Upper Lip, Pubic Hair, Armpits, Arms, Legs, back, ect
You dye it.