According to some survivalists, American elm leaves can be eaten raw or cooked.
If it does not shed it's leaves in Winter it is not an Elm.
Yes, elm trees are deciduous, which means they lose their leaves in the fall. The leaves turn yellow or brown before falling off the tree.
The Elm( Ulmus) is a family of deciduous trees, they drop their leaves in Autumn.
No, the elm (several species) are deciduous and shed their leaves in the Autumn (Fall in America).
Both maple and elm trees are deciduous, meaning they lose their leaves in the fall and regrow them in the spring. They do not keep their leaves all year round.
Elm has pinnate veins.
Elm has pinnate veins.
The American elm has simple leaves, which means each leaf blade is undivided.
Slippery elm has simple leaves, meaning each leaf is composed of a single blade.
Slippery elm and black cherry bark, leaves and berries
I have never heard of an Oriental elm but there are two species that originate in the East. Ulmus parvifolia the Chinese elm and Ulmus davidiana japonica the Japanese elm. Both are medium sized at maturity,though not for a small garden.