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No it wont, TRUST ME :) You really just have to let nature take it's course. Otherwise I would try apple vinegar mixed with Cranberry juice. It tasts horrible, but it just might work ;)

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Q: Will drinking Gatorade help flush illegal drugs from system fast?
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What are some ways people try to erase the trace of illegal drugs from their system?

drinking lots of water.

Cheese fromage yogurt?

Trespassing, illegal drugs and underage drinking

Can illegal drugs give you immunity?

No, illegal drugs cannot give you immunity. They can LOWER your immune system, making you more susceptible to disease.

Does vinegar help cleanse your system of illegal drugs?

No, it doesn't.

How long does it take illegal drugs to leave your system?

Some illegal drugs will never leave your system. This is because they have permanently altered your hair, skin, and organs.

What population of teens has used illegal drugs?

majority of teeens have used illegal substance, or heavy drinking , or tobacco before they have reached the age of 18

Does magnum mouthwash work to cleanse illegal drugs from your system?

No, the only thing that will cleanse your system of illicit or abused drugs is time.

How do you get weed out of your blood stream?

You wait. The only way to get rid of illegal drugs is to wait until they are out of your system. There is no magic substance that "cleans" drugs out of your system.

Where do i go to get a drug that cleanses the body of illegal drugs?

There is no such drug to clean the system.

Is it illegal to have drugs in your system?

Only if you used the drugs to get them there. Doing drugs is illegal. Sorry to break it to you. Actually, just having them in your system is not necessarily illegal. It is the manufacture, sale, purchase, transport, possession, and use that are illegal. If you just have them in your system and there is no other evidence, there is little they can do. However, if you are visibly high in public, driving or operating machinery while high, or acting disorderly, that is illegal.

What affect does protein intake have on illegal drug urinalysis testing?

if you were to have drugs in your system proteins don't have much effect on taking out the drugs.

What is in the drugs that make them illegal?

Drugs become illegal when law makers decide to pass laws saying these drugs are illegal.