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Sometimes yeah

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Q: Will a man leave is family for the other women?
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Why do women feel kind of empty after making love when the man has to leave?

Because they are disapponited that the man has to leave.

Why do women leave clothing at a man's home?

To stake her claim.

How do you date bisexual women without thinking they will leave for a man?

You don't.

Do married women ever leave their husbands for another married man?

This is possibly true. Some do but realize they're getting nowhere. ANSWER: It depends on each individual, there are some married woman who leaves her family to be with the other man. But there are some that don't because she knows having affairs with a married man will not give her some leverage, unless the married man fell in love with her.

Why do men leave their women they say they can not live without?

As years (or sometimes months) pass, the newness of the relationship wears off. Sometimes people change and other times the man discovers that he doesn't want to be with that woman. Sometimes, the man finds someone he would rather be with. There are many other reasons a man might leave a woman he said he can't live without.

How did the fact that women worked outside the home affect home life?

Instead of the man supporting the family and the women taking care of the house and family, women started helping to support the family and men helped out around the house.

How did the fact that women worked outside homes affect home life?

Instead of the man supporting the family and the women taking care of the house and family, women started helping to support the family and men helped out around the house.

What does a women use to snag a man answers on family fude?

you can use your personality

Why do women hate it when their men hang around other women?

Not all women hate it or even care, but some who do might be suspicious of the intentions of their man and/or the women who are hanging around. Some of hate may stem from lack of trust in the relationship or men in general while believing no men hold any relationship sacred. Other reasons might be because she has low self esteem and by her man hanging around other women, she thinks he'll leave her as soon as another propositions him to.

Name stuff a women might leave lipstick marks on?

A man, tissues, posters, clothing.

When a man feels he is obligated to a women will he stay the duration or leave after he feels his obligation is over?

That would depend on the man, on the obligation and or on the woman.

What is a philanderer?

A philanderer is a married man who has affairs with women other than his wife.