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NO! But if it's WET with pee it might give you a rash since it's wet, but the pee won't hurt you at all soo, no worries. :]

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Disinfectant. oh and pee- the best smells ever!!! lol kidding- but it does smell like pee =)

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do you know what skunk pee smells like loser

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you will have a water infection

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it smells like cat pee

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if your house smells like pee flush the toilet all over your puppy so your puppy smells like pee p.s you are very not welcome for the edvice.

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Your dog may smell like cat pee because it got sprayed by a Tom cat. A cat's spray often smells like pee.

Why does my pee smells like eggs?

No that is not a symptom of pregnancy

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It smells really good, like grandmas apple pie.

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