No a single 5mg dose of diazepam will not cause death. A child in a siezure can tolerate upto 10mg either rectally or IV with very little chance of overdose in a prehospital setting. An adult can tolerate much more.
The greatest cause of deaths of all time is heart disease.
Yes, a drug overdose will cause death if medical intervention is not sought in good time.
the importance of study of blood in determine the cause of death and the length of time the victim survive the attack
Her cause of death is, at this time, under investigation.
all the time
the black death was a major killer in that time period
You can but it is not recommended. If taken in large doses or if someone has no tolerance to either the opiate (Oxycontin) or the benzodiazepine (diazepam), the person may experience slowed breathing and a slowed heart beat. Either one can be so severe to the point of death. But if taken cautiously and responsibly, it is possible to survive a dosing of Oxycontin and diazepam and have a fun time while doing it. Just don't drink any alcohol, none! It will raise your chance of dying from both those drugs by like 600%
By the time of her death she was really popular cause she death shook the tejano world forever.