

Why your body needs germs?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Why your body needs germs?
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Why do you sneeze a lot when you are sick?

Your immune system needs to get rid of the germs and bacteria/viruses in your body.

How does your body battle against germs?

our body has blood which contains w b c which removes germs and fights against the germs

Do germs hide and attack unexpectedly?

No, germs are not alive and attack your body emediantly. Also you can prevent germs by being healthy and washing your body regularly.

Does your tongue have more germs than your lips?

yes every part of your body has germs but some germs are good.

What would germs do to the body if we had no skin?

The body is under constant attack by germs. Luckily thanks to the protective nature of our skin, germs cannot attack the bodily too easily. Without skin, germs would ultimately plague and take over the body as a result.

What does the body have to keep the germs out of your body?

white cells

Where in the body do germs live?


How many germs do we have on the body?


How many germs are your body?


Where you can find germs?

you can find germs in different parts of you body or even on random things

How are diseases spred?

Diseases can spread through various means, including person-to-person contact, infected animals, contaminated food or water, and insect bites. They can also be transmitted through droplets in the air from coughing or sneezing, or through contact with contaminated surfaces. It is important to practice good hygiene, such as washing hands regularly, covering coughs and sneezes, and avoiding close contact with sick individuals to help prevent the spread of diseases.

Where do you find germs?

Germs are found on all surfaces. Even in your body! The only place where there are no germs are in quarantined areas that are REGULARLY sanitized.