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It is better to be in a bare foot is always correct because if we would wear the shoe whole of the day we would have athlete's foot disease and if we are bare foot the sweat of foot just dry up and because of that it is better to be bare foot

Azhar uddin khan-India

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Q: Why your always in a bare foot is correct?
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What is correct bare foot or bare feet?

Well bare foot is "barefoot" with no spaces in. Bare feet is alright. we normally use barefoot as in " Can i go barefoot". Bare feet is "PE is done in bare feet"

Does victora justice have a foot fetish?

I believe she does. She always shows her bare feet.

When was bare foot founded by Shakira?

Bare foot was found in 1995 in Chile when shakira was in a festival.

Why you always say Right foot forward?

Right foot first is connected to Right which means 'Correct' implying thereby that one should always move in the right or correct manner and direction

How do you use the word bare in a setence?

he went racing with his bare foot.

Use the word bare in a sentence?

she walked bare foot outside

Which is grammatically correct bare feet or bare foot?

When using the phrase as an adjective of adverb, you use "barefoot". Example: He walks around barefoot all the time. Her heal broke, so she took off her shoes and walked the rest of the way home barefoot. The children go around barefoot at home, but must put their shoes on when they leave their house. A crazy barefoot man came into the store today! I like to be barefoot. I hate wearing shoes or socks. As a noun, of course, you can use either. It just depends on whether you are talking about one foot or more than one foot. I have one bare foot. I have bare feet. I lost my shoe and now one foot is bare. My bare feet are freezing cold!

What do you call it when you have no socks on?

bare foot

Can you use the word bare for wear Ex. He bared a thin pair of jeans?

No. The definition of bare means to be empty; not wearing anything. The cabinet was bare for i have not shopped in weeks. I cut my foot down at the river because i was bare-foot.

Is it illegal to drive bare foot in the UK?


What is bare?

Bare means: 1. A lot of/very 2. Naked (foot/hand)

Dose africans go bare foot to places?

Yes as Africa is known for poor people to go bare foot. they don't have any footwear at all