People sometimes say goodby to the departed this way. It's pretty natural.
No, it just sounds like she's being a normal aunt, they can get pretty lovey sometimes. Unless she's doing anything sexual, like touching you in inappropriate places (on purpose), than don't worry about it. My aunt is that way too, always hugging me and loving on me. She's just being a nice aunt :)
well, sometimes parents or adults do this to express their feelings. theres a slight chance shes straight.
Aunt Harriet was found dead in the lake and her baby was missing.
No she's not dead. She's my aunt and i just saw her 2days ago.
Aunt Clara is Lennie's aunt. She isn't in the story because she is already dead, but she is referred to by both Lennie and George throughout the novel.
This is a sentence with hugging.
It depends on who you are hugging. for example, hugging is allowed your father, grandfather, mother, son, daughter (on condition not to be sexual hugging). Hugging is allowed between the licitly married couple. Sisterily or brothely hugging is allowed(on condition not to be sexual hugging) however, hugging is not allowed with your opposite sex friend or colleague (not married to) or sexual hugging between same sex couples.
Hugging is a verb.
Justin Bieber's grandmother is dead and aunt is dead his mother is going to die soon she is very sick (cancer)and his brother is dead!