Michael Angarano's birth name is Michael Anthony Angarano.
Michael Angarano was born on December 3, 1987.
Michael Angarano was born on December 3, 1987.
Michael Angarano goes by Mikey, and Angie.
Michael Angarano is an actor from Brooklyn, New York who was born on December 3, 1987. It is not known what religion Angarano follows.
Michael Angarano, who played Elliot, appeared in 11 episodes of 'Will and Grace' from 2001-2006.
Michael Angarano is Kristen Stewart's ex-boyfriend. He is about 21 years of age, and was on a few TV shows and in a couple of movies.
Michael angarano
Michael angarano
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no Kristen Stewart and Micheal Angarano are still dating they did not brake up