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The longer you hold in your urine, the stronger it will smell due to the extra amount of waste.

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Q: Why would your urine smell strong?
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A strong urine smell

Can the smell of cat urine make you sick?

It can, if you have a strong sense of smell.

Can a cold cause urine to smell strong?

A cold can indeed cause urine to smell strong. This is because the body is getting rid of unwanted sickness.

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Do all mice have strong urine?

Males have a strong smell, females have a lesser of smell.

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What is a sea animal with a strong smell?

Fish release a very strong ammine smell. It really is its own urine, you might know.

Why is the urine of donkeys and horses are so pungent?

Usually the odour of a female horse or donkey will have a strong smell when they are in heat. The male will be able to smell the hormones in the urine, and signal that she is ready for breeding.

What does tiger urine smell like?

Tiger urine has a distinct musky odor that is often described as strong and pungent. It can have a sharp ammonia-like smell due to the high concentration of compounds such as urea and testosterone.

Can your medications make your urine smell really strong and bad?

Yes, certain medications can cause changes in the smell of urine. For example, antibiotics like amoxicillin can sometimes give urine a strong, unusual odor. It's always a good idea to check with a healthcare provider if you notice any significant changes in the smell of your urine while taking medications.

What does ammonia gas smell like?

Ammonia gas has a pungent, sharp, and unpleasant smell that resembles the smell of urine. It is often described as strong and irritating to the nose.

How do you get rid of strong urine smell in toilet?

To get rid of a strong urine smell in the toilet, you can pour baking soda or vinegar into the bowl and let it sit for a few hours before scrubbing with a toilet brush. You can also try using a commercial toilet cleaner or odor eliminator specifically designed for removing urine odors. Additionally, make sure to clean the toilet regularly to prevent the smell from returning.