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If a client has wealth, authority, or population, they will use it against you to speak or act towards you anyway they please. If they offend you immediately report the action or ask to be reassigned to reduce embarrassment for you or your company. If neither works, provide solid evidence in which to prove your case as well as witnesses.

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Q: Why would you report uncharacteristic or inappropriate behaviour about a client?
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Tell one of your supervisors who it was and say that they gave you an inappropriate response.WikiFAQs:The_WikiAnswers_Super_TeamYou can also click on the 'Report abuse' link (in red) above the question

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There is a RED "Report Abuse" button in the top right corner of the screen.

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Reporting inappropriate behavior online is important to ensure the safety and well-being of yourself and others. It helps to hold the individual accountable for their actions and prevent further harm or escalation of the situation. Reporting also assists in creating a safer online community for everyone.

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To report inappropriate usernames, you have two alternate choices. One way is to click on the link below to go to the Community Forum in the 'Report Vandalism and Abuse' section. Create a new topic and that is where you can report inappropriate usernames on WikiAnswers. The other method is to just post a message on a Community Assistant's message board with the link to an inappropriately named user.

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Up at the top of the screen underneath the search box, there is a button that says "report abuse." If you click on that it will report the answer.

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