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If a person becomes unconscious, an airway may be used to insure that the airway stays open.

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Q: Why would you insert an oral airway?
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When to use oral airway?

One of the biggest reasons to establish an oral-pharyngeal airway is if there is risk of losing a patent airway. For example, if the throat might swell from injury/trauma or allergic reaction. Another example: To protect heart and brain when the airway might close off completely, such as in severe respiratory distress like a severe asthma attack.

What alternatives are there to snoring surgery?

Oral appliances are intended to reduce snoring by changing the shape of the oral cavity or preventing the tongue from blocking the airway.

What makes up the rasperitory system?

The respiratory system consists of your lungs, trachea, and oral/nasal passage. There are 2 lobes of lung tissue in your left lung and 3 lobes in the right. The bronchi are upper airway and the trachea is the a cartilaginous tube that connects the nasal and oral airway leading to your bronchi and lungs. The epiglottis is a muscular valve that allows for breathing or swallowing. When you swallow, it opens and closes to allow food to pass into your esophagus and bypass the airway.

What would you if your airway is irritated by smoke?

i would call for help

If you noticed a friend had clenched teeth but was conscious which airway management technique would you use?

Nasopharyngeal-Airway Technique

How would you use suction on an airway?

Suction is used for airway management when the patient can't manage his or her own secretions.

If you noticed that your friend had clenched teeth but was conscious which airway-management technique would you have performed?

Nasopharyngeal-Airway Technique

What is a EMT initial assessment for the upper airway?

EMT initial assessment for the upper airway. Airway and breathing are assessed at the same time.Look: External and Internal portions of the airway. Note trauma vomitus, fluids, objects, cyanotic skin, chest rise and fall, assess respiration's or lack thereof.Listen: Are respiration's present, are they noisy, gurgling present.Feel: Do you feel on your cheek warm humid exhalation, how much air do you feel.Management: Correct anything that threatens respiration's Insert OPA or NPA to maintain airway if required; or if trained insert EOA or endotracheal tube. If weak or no respiration's give O2. Confirm adequate respiration's before checking circulation, the next step.

Where can I get Oral B coupons?

Oral B coupons are found in the Proctor & Gamble insert in your Sunday paper. The P&G inserts are usually scheduled for the first Sunday of the month.

When giving adult CPR how many compression breaths to give?

Each breath should take about 1 second.

When do you use a oropharyngeal airway?

You would use an oropharyngeal airway only if certified and use it when a person is unconsius and not breathig also for assistance with BVM ventilation

What is active airway?

An airway that is not blocked. If you can breathe easily, you have an active airway. If you are choking, you do not.