Actually, our body produce more saliva instantly just before we vomit. It is to ensure and protect the lining of the throat and lubrication because the vomit is acidic and could damage the area.
There is such a thing as an episode of vomiting that comes on very suddenly, in a matter of seconds - it has happened to most people once or twice, and the body does not have time to produce the extra saliva. Still, increased salivation before vomiting is the norm in most cases.
Normally, no. If they do start to smell then you have rotten eggs.
throw lightning at the person
Someone would throw up, as in puke every morning if they were pregnant and had morning sickness.
anything on a shelf or the kitchen counter- except not knives.
Yes, this is a sentence. It would be used in response to a question such as, "Who do I throw the ball to?" It is addressed directly at someone and the "You" at the beginning is assumed.
The conditioned stimulus in Pavlov's study on dogs was the bell. Initially, the bell had no effect on the dogs' salivation response, but after being repeatedly paired with the presentation of food (the unconditioned stimulus), the dogs started to salivate in response to the bell alone.
Analogy. It means to offer something valuable to someone who doesn't appreciate it, like pearls to swine.
If I had a lot of money to throw around and someone who would want and enjoy a rado watch, I would buy one as a present. That being said before I bought it I was make absolutely sure that the someone who Id be giving this to actually wants one and if they want I would want to know what design they would prefer most.
Classical conditioning is simply the pairing of two unrelated stimuli enough times so that both stimuli evoke the same response.Example:In Pavlov's famous experiment with dogs, he started with the information that dogs would salivate when presented with food, but would not salivate at the sound of a bell. However, after numerous pairings of ringing the bell when the dogs were given food eventually the dogs salivated at the sound of the bell alone. We would say the dogs had been (classically) conditioned to salivate at the sound of the bell.