An individual would be prescribed lipator when he is discovered to have have high cholesterol levels. Taking lipator can help one lower the risk of heart attack, stroke, and angina, etc.
This will vary depending on the activity of the individual. For example, a long disctance runner will wear out a pair of orthotics much quicker than a person who wears them during a normal day. It would be advisable to ask the podiatrist or orthotist who has prescribed your orthotics.
Vicoden and Ibuprofen is mostly prescribed for pain.
The prescribed interest rate is set every quarter based on the federal interest rate. A prescribed loan would be the one that would carry the prescribed federal interest rate. The person applying for the loan could have the attribution rules waived.
. Yes until they get older and gain wait and have to take Lipator then they switch to egg beaters and rice cakes
Tucks medicated pads
To stop them being constipated.
They are possibly prescribed medication.
That would be tachycardia.
what happens if you do not follow a prescribed diet
Properly prescribed and properly taken, yes it can. It can also cause serious problems including death if misused.