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Q: Why would it help to look at the horizon while you are sea sick?
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If you were standing on the earth's equator where would you look to see the north celestial pole Could you see it from Australia?

At the equator, the celestial north pole would be north, just at the horizon. In the southern hemisphere, for instance in Australia, the north celestial pole would be north, and as many degrees BELOW the horizon as your latitude. For instance, if you are 10 degrees south of the equator, the celestial north pole would be 10 degrees below the equator.On the other hand, for people in the southern hemisphere, the celestial SOUTH pole would be ABOVE the horizon; this same pole is below the horizon for anybody in the northern hemisphere.

What horizon would you find topsoil?

Topsoil is typically found in the O-horizon, which is the uppermost layer of soil. This layer contains organic matter, nutrients, and microorganisms that are important for plant growth.

What is the opposite of horizon?

In astronomy zenith (the point in the sky exactly above you) is the point most distant from the horizon. As a horizon defines how far down the sky you can look, zenith defines how high up you can look.

Do you look at the horizon to see mercury at night?


Where would you be to see earth and the moon?

To see the Earth, look down. To see the Moon, you have to be outside and look at the sky. Note that the Moon is not always above the horizon.

What are the cures for sea sickness?

While there are over counter oral medication and patches, the natural method to combat sea sickness is to focus and practice: "Mind over matter." Look out to the horizon and breath methodically. This will help to stabilize your "inner-ear." Looking to the horizon combats motion sickness: sea, and sky On the lighter side. The best cure for seasickness is to sit under a tree in a park

What are the cure for sickness?

While there are over counter oral medication and patches, the natural method to combat sea sickness is to focus and practice: "Mind over matter." Look out to the horizon and breath methodically. This will help to stabilize your "inner-ear." Looking to the horizon combats motion sickness: sea, and sky On the lighter side. The best cure for seasickness is to sit under a tree in a park

What is the line in the sky from horizon to horizon?

If you're talking about sky as in sky on this planet, then your answer would be the horizon (the point were the ground meets the sky from any vantage point on the surface). Or you could be talking about the atmosphere, which is the boundary between the earth and space and keeps life alive, and air on earth.

What does Keep a weather eye on the horizon?

Keep a weather eye on the horizon means to watch the horizon or as far as you can look for ships=water, people=land or water, or an animal=land or water.

Are the sun and moon larger when at the horizon?

No, they just look larger.

What does the moons horizon look like?

bananalike shape. Because the Moon is much smaller than Earth, the curve of the horizon is more obvious.