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because i deont knpw

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Q: Why would it be hard to prove that witches caused problems?
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Are witch powers real?

Witches would probably tell you yes. More sceptical people would say, "prove it." Make up your own mind.

How do you prove people are witches?

How do you prove people are Christians? Do they have to go to church every sunday? Do they have to read their bible regularly? You can no more "prove" that I am a Witch or a Christian unless you observe me, get to know me, and find out what my beliefs and customs are. If you did this, then you would know that I am a Witch and not a Christian... but the question is why do you have to "prove" anything?

Can a miscarriage be caused by second hand smoke?

Theoretically, but it would be extremely difficult to prove.

What problems would there be if these angles were not supplementary?

None. The angles do not exist and so there are no problems caused.

What were some causes of Rome's economic problems?

one of the things that caused some of the economic problems would be they had a bad economy and it caused there empire to be overthrown

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Hieroglyphics? Like ancient Egyptian writing or something? Why would they ever cause problems?!

What would people do to witches?

the would either get hung or they would burn the witches. Very painful deaths

What skin problem do witches have?

There is no specific skin problem associated with witches. Witches are fictional characters often portrayed with various physical attributes, but skin problems are not typically part of their depiction.

Why were so many convicted witches killed?

People were scared of what witches could or would do with their power. They considered all witches evil, which was not, in fact, the case. Indeed, there were evil witches, but there were also good witches.

If two witches watched two watches which witch would watch witch watch?

Correction: If two witches watched two watches, which witch would watch WHICH watch. Answer: More research needs to be done on Watch watching witches to determine which watches witches will watch. Answer: The Witches would watch the watch that the witches were watching Answer: Witch A would watch Watch A because if Witch B watched Watch A it would be called Watch B THE REAL ANSWER: (the above is bull) One witch would watch the other witches watch whilest the other witch watched the other witches watch .... BAMBOOZELED

What problems might be caused if you issued an unnecessary hurricane warning?

People would start to panic.

If two witches would watch two watches which witch would watch which watch?

One witch would watch the other witches watch whilest the other witch watched the other witches watch.