It is a common thing for a guy to remember their ex-girlfriend's number.
It could mean:
If it was a recent break-up then most likely give the guy some time.
Nobody knows what his number is if I knew what it was I would totally tell you guys...sorry.
they probably would care vuz they're jealous! daaaaaaaaaaah! Guys get pretty competitive and don't like it. It makes them feel bad. Remember we have fragile egos.
to call them and talk to them
It probably means that he likes you and he is trying to get your number so he can call you and you guys could go out or something like that.
Louis Lastik
Yes he did. But i can't remember the guys name.
What is your phone number please
Well some guys would say guys are, and some girls would say girls are.
Alot of the time when a girl is playing 2 guys at once, is not even worth going for... Remember that.
Sometimes. It depends on the circumstances of the breakup. Many guys remain friends with an ex, especially where they have been close friends for a long time; the breakup is usually a mutually agreeed thing because it simply isn't working for them. However, many feel anger or hatred for their exgirlfriends, either because of some real fault on the girl's behalf or simply from being dumped. You can usually tell which is the case by knowing who left who. The final group of the the three would be the apathetics, those guys which accept the breakup, make their peace and move on with their life. While the girl may not be completely cut out of this life, they are often regarded as just acquaintances, neither friend nor foe. I believe a man often holds in his heart a feeling for his first love for sure and often for other women he has loved as well. Men are very territorial it seems to me and like to hold on to all women that they have conquered or loved.
Of course they do! Confidence is always key! Always remember that!!
not always; remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder