They might want to live alone.. or they're just better off alone.
Some people may be misanthropic, meaning they hate other humans. This can be one factor of anti-social behavior and may extend in severity to the realm of avoiding relationships.
Well... perhaps they like being alone, you know some people just don't like people.
The indefinite pronoun 'anybody' can function as 2nd or 3rd person.Examples:Does anybody want the last doughnut? (2nd person)Don't speak to anybody about this. (3rd person)
I would believe most women in a relationship have love for the other person and would not want to look else where. Why would a person be in a relationship and still look around? Seems to me that type of person would be in the wrong relationship.
Answer I think a person would want to restore any relationship that is important to them.
Make up your mind! Decide for yourself whether you want one of these boys or not. Or you are not interested in a relationship, just have fun! Live vicariously! Flirt a little. As long as you are not hurting anybody. Never lead a person on, in the end it's no fun for anybody.
Anybody would!!!
It means that they like you and want a relationship or just want to have sex with you but that depends on the person. It means that they like you and want a relationship or just want to have sex with you but that depends on the person.
Then do not ask out anybody. You will hurt them. DO NOT. Commitment is important. Nobody wants to be used.
no! who would want one
Yes, you can change your relationship status on facebook without anybody seeing. If you go to the information bar under your profile picture you can check off what you do and dont want people to see, Just unclick relationship status and that will be completley private for you
it means there scared or doesn't want to begin a relationship
No one that mattered would have a problem with you.
No, it would be a one way trip.