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Q: Why would a man want to be with a woman he is not attracted to?
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A Cancer would be attracted to an Aquarius because they admirer the aquarius's personality.

Could a gay man be sexually compatible with an extremely Butch woman?

No. A gay man is, by definition, a man who is attracted to other men. A butch woman, no matter how butch, is still a woman.However, If there is a man who seems gay and is attracted to a butch woman, he would be considered bisexual, and a bisexual or straight man could definitely be attracted to a butch woman.

Why does a married man ask other woman out for coffee?

because they are attracted to them and want to have an affair

Why women attracted easily to a man?

Women should really be attracted to man. A woman should not be attracted to another woman.(lesbian)TheSame thing as a man should not be attracted to another man.(gay/homosexual). Why are women attracted to man. Because, it is most likely for a man to meet the emotional needs of a woman. Although most of the times it leads to deeper relationships.

Is this married man attracted to you a married woman?

Yes. If both feel dissatisfied in their marital life. However, the married man is easier to be attracted if the woman is sexy and would provide a safe sexual relationship not easily detected.

What does it mean when a woman is called a siren?

what makes a man attracted to a woman

How do you know if a gay man fancies a woman?

A man who identifies as gay is attracted exclusively to other males. He would not be attracted to a female. It is also impossible to tell for sure if somebody is attracted to someone else unless they tell you.

Would a man touch a women he was not attracted to?

if a man hasn't had an intimate partner in awhile it is possible that he may do something with an unattractive woman.

Bi ( bisexual)?

Person attracted to man and woman

Are you gay if you are mainly atracked to transsexuals?

Transsexual referring to males who have had the operation or want and plan to. I would say that you are and just haven't come to terms with it yet. No matter what is done, no matter how much he may look like a woman, he is still a man without a penis. Why would you seek out a transsexual instead of a real woman if you are attracted to women. You must be attracted to men and don't want to deal with that.

Why might a man be attracted to a woman who is racist against his people?

A man might be attracted to a woman who is racist against his people because he finds other traits in her that he likes.

Why a man gets erection even if he is not love with that woman?

You can still be physically attracted to a woman even if you don't love her which something obviously attracted/stimulated you concerning this woman.