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he might not be over you yet or he is afraid he might say something that will make you think he wants you back.

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βˆ™ 18y ago
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βˆ™ 18y ago

Please explain your problem a little more clearly. Give us an example of how he is acting so we can give you the best advice possible. Thanks

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Q: Why would a guy act weird around you?
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if they act imbarrased around you or act weird they will...

When can you tell a guy likes you?

well sometimes a guy would make fun of you to try to not make it obvious that he likes you and sometimes they will always want to be around you and last they will just act weird around you and shy.

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its cause hes so nervous

What will a guy do when interested in a girl?

they will probily act weird around you even thou guys are normally weird so it might be a little hard to tell. If they act weirder by being shy or saying stupider than normal things sighned (a guy)

Does a guy act weird when a girl is pregnant?

Apparently some do,,,

How do you act around a guy who knows you like them?

Act like you normally would around anyone else

What are hint to know if a guy likes you?

A hint would be him acting weird around you and if he is really nice to

Would one guy tell another guy Hey handsome if they are just platonic friends?

Maybe if they are joking around... or if they are weird...

What to do so a guy can like you?

You should just be yourself, i mean if your really weird, dont be yourself. Act normal around him, act CALM, and dress nicely, look pretty, and be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it weird for a guy to have a journal?

No. Why would it?

Can a guy act shy around you?

Of course, a guy could act shy around you.