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if you are dealing with this, i feel that maybe you have grown somewhat tired of your current boyfriend, depending on how long you have been dating him. no one says you two are getting married, that's unless you plan on marrying him. anyways, if you have strong feelings for another guy other than your boyfriend, maybe it is time you really considered whether or not you still want to be with your current boyfriend. two people in a relationship can change a lot over time. sometimes, only the one person can change, and if you feel this is you, then maybe your feelings for your boyfriend are not as strong as they were when you two first started dating. do you feel this new guy that you have strong feelings for, are his feelings also very strong for you? if they are, then you really have to think about who you really want to be with. it sounds corny, but you should just follow your heart, and it will lead you to the right guy that you want to be with.

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Q: Why would a girl says she has strong feelings for a guy but she already has a boyfriend?
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trust me, you will know the difference between like and love. he will act very much in to you, you will start feeling very strong feelings for him, and the little crush you had before will start to grow in both of you, and eventually he would say it to you, that's how you know. love is a strong thing.

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