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A doctor is required by law to file an incident report if he feels an injury was sustained during an illegal activity, an assault, or physical abuse. For instance, all gunshot wounds must be reported so they can be traced.

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Q: Why would a doctor file an incident report?
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How would you report incident or accidents in a workplace?

You tell your higher offical about the incident or accident. They will file the report for you.

Where can a person go to get advice on injury compensation for back related accidents?

A person can go to a lawyer that specializes in injuries and inquire about compensation for back related accidents. A doctor would also be able to tell who which resources you would need to file an incident report for your back related injury.

What is the reasoning for not filing incident report in medical records?

Incident reports are for hospitals to track errors and prevent them in the future. They are purposely not meant to be punitive, because this would prevent employees from filing them. If an incident report is placed in a medical record it becomes potential evidence should a patient file a lawsuit. Likewise, if an incident report is even MENTIONED in a medical record as being filed, it is discoverable by an attorney and can be used in a lawsuit.

Where do you call to file assault charges on someone?

You can call the police or visit your local police station to file assault charges on someone. Provide them with all the information, evidence, and details of the incident to help them with the investigation.

How long do you have to file a hit and run?

Immediately. It would be on file with the police station that has jurisdiction over the location where the accident occurred. If you were, in fact, the subject of a hit and run, do the right thing; you would want to be treated that way. Besides, if the police do track you down, the penalty is far greater than if you report the accident yourself, even at this stage.

How do you file a class A misdemeanor?

Ordinary citizens don't "file" anything. They "report" an incident to law enforcement who then decides if it amounts to criminal offense, and if so, what. Law enforcement classifes the crime and if an arrest is made presents the defendant, the report and the evidence to the prosecutor for his use in presenting the case to court.

How long do you have to file mental anguish civil suit in Ohio after incident?

That would be a civil case. In Ohio you have two years to file the suit.

How do you file charges?

Go to your local police station to file a report and say you would like to press charges.

Can you file a report on someone harassing you about a picture?

Yes, you can file a report about someone harassing you about a picture. Gather evidence such as screenshots or messages, and report the incident to your local law enforcement or the appropriate authorities. Provide as much detail as possible about the harassment and provide any evidence you have to support your claim.

How do you file a police report for being threatened?

Call the police ... file a report.

How long do you have in the state of nc to file a police report?

You can file a report without living in the State. Call the police station and tell them you need to file a report.

Do you and the people involved all go on the same police report?

If it is a accident then, yes..... i work for the DOT and handle accident reports and file the away in databases so i see them every day..... as far as criminal or civil reports im not sure...