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Well, quite likely the child's teeth hurt from gnashing teeth, messing with them, chewing on hard things, growing pains, or just because they hurt. The pain will likely subside within a few days, if not just take the kid to a dentist.

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Q: Why would a 4 yr old complain of tooth pain if there are no cavities?
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How do you get cavities?

Cavities are caused by the build up of plaque on your teeth. The plaque causes your teeth to decay which in turn blackens the tooth and causes pain in it.

Can a wisdom tooth be pulled out at home?

yes if you want to feel the pain and receive infections to the mouth cavities

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If you don't brush your teeth, very bad things can happen such as bad breath, cavities, gingivitis, and eventually tooth pain and tooth loss.

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It is called tooth paste because the paste is for cleaning you teeth for example it can protect your teeth from cavities or gum pain also can whiten you teeth with special tooth paste products and you brush it on to your teeth TOOTH-PASTE.

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Eating sand can greatly erode tooth enamel, causing decay, cavities, sensitivity, discoloration, and pain. This is because of the abrasiveness of the sand.

I have many cavities in my teethcan you tell me which toothpaste to use?

I Use sensodyne toothpaste to take away the pain and sensitivity. There are other brands of sensitive tooth toothpaste that areeffective too.

Are there any ways to remove or treat a cavity without going to the dentist?

No, there is no way to get rid of a cavity other than going to a dentist. There are ways to help the pain temporarily if it's needed, but only a dentist can remove the cavity. ------------ And even when you get rid of the pain it doesn't mean that the problems with the cavity have stopped. The bacteria that causes cavities are not removed by the pills that ease the pain. If you don't treat your cavities you can easily end up with total prosthesis by you're 50. You can see this video for more info on cavities -

How do you stop sevear tooth pain?

if you are having severe tooth pain, you should see a dentist. it would usually indicate your tooth is dying or the nerves in your tooth are dying off. Sensitive to hot or pressure will most likely result in a root canal or extraction of that tooth. Waiting for the pain to disappear will only result in future issues. should cold or hot be used to relive pain

What is dental pain?

Tooth pain.

Is it necessary to take out a wisdom tooth that has a sinus infection?

Yes, Because I personally would not want a infected tooth in my mouth. I would like to get that tooth out because I would not want to have to deal with that breath taking pain.

Do dentists get cavities?

Cats do not develop the same type of cavities that people get. Cats do get holes in their teeth, but they are generally the same color as the tooth and are the result of tooth resorption rather than decay. Most commonly seen at or below the gumline, these "cat cavities" or "neck lesions" are now termed FORLs or feline odontoclastic resorption lesions. FORLs are very painful and often lead to shearing off of the teeth at the gumline. Difficulty eating, salivation, and tooth loss are some signs of "cat cavities", but sometimes no symptoms are noted until the cat stops eating due to pain.

What to do in case of emergency tooth pain?

In case you are suffering from unbearable tooth pain, emergency tooth extraction at the dental hospital can help. You can get the dentist consultation easily at the emergency clinic at any time. They are quite helpful when you are in pain. @charlestonoralandfacialsurgery