there private part is a secret
Douche regularly. Part of women's hygiene habits.
Fat people sweat and sweat makes u stink
Due to the buildup of bacteria on the skin from sweat and urine.
i think its a lie
u stink miles Nixon
Womens feet do smell too trust me.
Miley Cyrus played the part of stink in the movie STINK AND HER SMELLY BUTT
bathe and be clean, use deodrants, daily bath twice
No. Both men and women have major sweat glands in their armpits and, believe it or not, women have bigger ones that tend to sweat and stink a LOT more. Some people say they are made like that to "out stink men", but most people think that a long time ago, to find a mate, a women's stink would attract one.
Men and women wear underwear so as to preserve or keep their private parts private.
A stink bomb!!