because men were considered to do wizardy and sorcery, not witchcraft.
It was believed that because Satan chose to tempt Eve, rather than Adam, to eat of the Forbidden Fruit, that women were more suseptable to being tempted by the Devil than men.
He accused people solely because he wanted their land and the more land that person had the more he wanted them gone
she saved herself by confessing early on (after being beaten by her master) and accused other people of being witches, and telling people that there were many more in salam.
The people were mainly women and young girls. There weren't that many famous people in that time in Salem Village. Maybe the book Tituba might say more about the hangings of accused and proven guilty witches.
Possibly because there were more ways back in the day that a woman could have a life outside of the norm. Women whose husbands died or left them learned to live independently. As naturalists and knowledgeable in other ways, they were vulnerable to attack through no fault of their own.
Women. In the middle ages, they were generally considered to be far more vulnerable to evil and corruption than men, which led to the vast majority of the people killed during the witch hunts to be female. Theoritically though, nobody was safe from being accused of witchcraft.
The original two girls were Betty Parris and Abigail Williams, soon after Ann Putnam and Mercy Lewis began to claim that they had seen women fly through the night sky. When the arrests and trials got going, numerous people came forward to present "evidence". A list of accusers and who they testified against can be found at the Related Link or search Salem Witchcraft Trials and you'll get a host of informative, quality websites that display actual documentation from the trials.
* To start with thousands of women were not murdered during the Salem witch trials, between February 1692 and May 1693. Over 150 people were arrested and imprisoned, with even more accused but not formally pursued by the authorities. The two courts convicted twenty nine people of the capital felony of witchcraft. Nineteen of the accused, fourteen women and five men, were hanged. One man (Giles Corey) who refused to enter a plea was crushed to death under heavy stones in an attempt to force him to do so. At least five more of the accused died in prison. (source Wikipedia) * If a person male or female was to espouse the attitudes and ways of looking at things as we have today the would no doubt be looked at with suspicion and when the opportunity arose be accused of something to get them out of the way. You must keep in mint that many withes that were accused had this done to them by those that stood to gain from their demise materially
Between February 1692 and May 1693, over 150 people were arrested and imprisoned, with even more accused who were not formally pursued by the authorities. The two courts convicted 29 people of the capital felony of witchcraft, 19 of whom (fourteen women, five men) were executed by hanging. In addition, Giles Corey was pressed to death for refusing to enter a plea. In addition to those executed, at least five more died in prison.
Women are more often bitten by cats
Witchcraft For witchcraft denotes more of a grouping of beliefs by common practices, and or terminology.
The subject of witchcraft as a crime had come up during the 16th century, both in England and in Scotland, and laws had been passed at that time.King James VI of Scotland, who was crowned as James I of England in 1603, was obsessive on the subject of witchcraft, wrote a book called Daemonologie, and personally supervised persecution of witches. His book was widely circulated, and practitioners were given bounties for witches identified and condemned, so there was financial motive in addition to obsession. Of course the book and the practitioners survived him for many years.Please use the links below for more information.