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The production of tears is a medical process that is known as lacrimation. The normal function is to lubricate and wash the eyes. There are several conditions which can cause excess lacrimation and therefore cause excess tears. I would recommend that you see your primary care doctor to investigate and potential treat it. If this has only recently started, a possible cause of this is an infection. Bacterial conjuctivitis is an infection caused by a bacteria that also causes red eye, eye pain and blurred vision. This often affects only one eye. If this seems like something that is affecting you -- please see your doctor emergently. Viral conjuctivitis often affects both eyes and occurs when a virus infects the eyes. This can cause similar symptoms as bacterial conjuctivitis. Viral conjuctivitis often resolves after 1-2 weeks. However the most common cause of excess tears is actually Allergies. People often can be allergic to various substances -- often on their pillow such as dust mites or other dust particles. This reaction often causes histamine release in the body which can cause increased tears, itchy eyes and potentially nasal symptoms. I would recommend that you see your primary care doctor to have this evaluated. This may be related to allergies.

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