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The relationship among the first nations people and the French is extremely important because both sides are dependent on one another for a stimulated economy and the growth of their population.

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It was important for the french to have full trust because then they can show how power full they are.

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Q: Why was it important for the french to have a good relationship with the first nations?
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How important was it for the French to have good relationship with them?

The relationship among the first nations people and the French is extremely important because both sides are dependent on one another for a stimulated economy and the growth of their population.

Who were metis?

the metis were a mix of first nations and french and they could speak both french and first nations languages.

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French explorers had mixed relationships with various First Nation peoples, forming alliances with some while clashing with others. It was crucial for the French to have a good relationship with Indigenous peoples for trade, exploration, and to establish a presence in the New World. First Nations were often eager to cooperate with the French for reasons such as access to European goods, weapons, and support against rival Indigenous groups.

What was the interaction between first nations and the french?

The French wanted the first nations to give them animal fur for metal good such as, pots and knifes. So in other word the french was using First nations for furs.

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He never met the First Nations. He was in Greenland, not Canada.

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Jacques Cartier had a complex relationship with the First Nations people he encountered in North America. Initially, there was mutual curiosity and trade between Cartier's crew and the indigenous communities. However, this relationship deteriorated due to misunderstandings, conflicts, and instances of mistreatment by the French towards the First Nations people.

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What was the relationship between the french and first nations?

The cooperation between French and first nation was that they were having similar problems with the government both had few rights and wanted more so they joined together with Louis riel as there leader and rebelled

Was the habitants relationship with the first nations good?

I have no clue

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Why did the French have such a good relationship with the French?

sorry I meant to say why did the french have such a good relationship with the first nation in Canada

How did the French try to strengthen their position against the British in their relationship with the First Nations peoples?

I seriously have no idea like ahhgshagahjsagd sorry fer the unconvinice! :P ♥