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Q: Why was dissection of the body once prohibited?
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The naming of body structures is called dissection?

Um, the naming isn't necceserily called dissection- dissection is when the 'body' is cut open to view the inside

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An angiotomy is the dissection of the blood vessels and lymphatics of the body.

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Before you begin a dissection, it is helpful to draw lines along the body of the future dissected body to trace where you will be performing your cuts.

Who use dissection to draw the human body?

Leonardo da vinci

The medical dissection of a dead body for the purpose of determining the cause of death?


What has the author Frank H J Figge written?

Frank H. J. Figge has written: 'A guide to the dissection and study of the human body' -- subject(s): Human dissection

What are some of the safety concerns associated with dissection in a frog?

Because dead body tissue for dissection is preserved with formaldehyde, which when generously portioned onto the skin can cause severe cases of cancer.

Which of the body systems mentioned in the background information will you be examining during your dissection?

I honestly do not even know!

What does Cadaver mean?

A cadaver is a deceased human body used for medical purposes, such as dissection or research.

What is the process of carefully separating of tissues to reveal anatomical relationships?

The process of carefully separating tissues to reveal anatomical relationships is called dissection. It involves cutting and separating tissues in a systematic way to study the structures and relationships within an organism. Dissection is commonly used in anatomy studies to better understand the organization and function of different body parts.

Were most dissections in the roman era done on humans?

No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.