

Why was Ginger bad tempered?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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Because her masters were mean to her

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12y ago
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Crocidura xantippe is a type of shrew, and its name is synonymous with bad-tempered women due to the aggressive and territorial nature of shrews, reflecting the stereotype of bad-tempered behavior in women.

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Isaac Newton was known to have a strong temperament and could be easily angered or confrontational with his peers and critics. His intense focus on his work sometimes led to conflicts with others, but he was also known for his brilliance and contribution to science.

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It makes me very bad-tempered supplying Internet answers for kids too lazy to write simple sentences for themselves.

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Why there will be no place in Heaven for bad tempered folk?

Well, you have made an assumption here that can't be demonstrated; nowhere in the Bible does it say that "bad tempered," per se, is excluded.

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It is a bad tempered person

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No just twats

How much ginger for pregnant woman?

As much as you want. Ginger is not bad for you.