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Q: Why too much warmth is bad for the human testis?
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Why are the testis hanging out of the male body?

The testes hang outside in many mammals to keep them cool. Too much warmth is bad for them.

How can begin surrounded by desert be good how can it create problems?

well it is warm in the desert so warmth. too much warmth is bad and in a desert it is most likely to be hot so yeah. in a desert very little water.dry. theres creatures wch mean good and bad.

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you don't need alcohol in a human.It's bad for you.

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THis could be possible

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Not in moderation but be careful not to feed your dog too much human food

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No hydroelectricity is not bad for human.

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yes it is bad for the human mind.

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Ingesting small amounts of human saliva is generally not harmful to dogs. However, it is not recommended to allow dogs to ingest large amounts of human saliva as it may contain bacteria or pathogens that could potentially make the dog sick. It is best to avoid this behavior to prevent any potential health issues.

You always have bug spray around your lips and you lick it and it tastes bad?

Most bug sprays set up barriers to keep insects from getting to the warmth, the smells, and the moisture that they like about human skin. These sprays build their barriers around smells and tastes that are offensive to insects. The smells often may not be picked up by human noses. But the tastes can.

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