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Why shouldn't we drink salt water

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Q: Why shouldn't we drink salt water?
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Why you shouldn't drink salt water?

because you drink water to get rid of salt in your blood and if you drink salt water it just adds more salt

How salt water fish drink salt water?

fish dont drink salt water they just feel it

Do squirrels drink fresh or salt water?

I just watched one drink from my salt water pool. So, I'd say that they do drink salt water. I don't have a clue why.

Is salt water ok to drink after evaporation?

Vapors must be condensed to obtaindrinking water. Salt water is not good to drink.

What kind of water does a penguin drink?

They get all their water through the things they eat.

What do fairy penguins drink?

they drink salt water because their body can filter and break down the salt water.

Why you no drink salt water?

salt water taste like fish pee, and pee taste nasty so don't drink salt water. it bad for you

Do people drink from the great salt lake?

no if you drink salt water you die so no

Why the people can not dring salt water?

Actually, people do not drink salt water because of the amount of salt. It leaves you thirstier than before you drink it.

What lobsters drink?

When lobsters drink, they drink water. They do not metabolize salt in the same way that most animals do. They suffer no ill effects of salt water.

What do lobsters drink?

When lobsters drink, they drink water. They do not metabolize salt in the same way that most animals do. They suffer no ill effects of salt water.

Do you have to drink Epsom salt with water or can you drink it with something else?

It is recommended to dissolve Epsom salt in water and drink it that way to ensure proper absorption in the body. Mixing it with other liquids may alter its effectiveness.