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Because it hurts and it breaks your eardrum when something such as a stick goes in your ear

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Allene Morissette

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3y ago
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17y ago

You risk rupturing your eardrum.

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Q: Why should you not poke anything in your ear?
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What should you do if your piercing has closed up over an earring?

go to you local beautitions and they gently poke through your ear\ears

What part of the ear will be damaged if you always poke pointed objects into your ear?

You can damage the tympanic membrane (ear drum).

How do you clean dog ears?

You can clean wax out of a dog's ear with a cotton bud if you are very gentle, or you can use a slightly damp flannel and gently wipe the dog's ear, but don't poke anything in there that you wouldn't poke in your own. Try not to get water in there either, because it can cause ear infections or at the least, he'll keep rubbing his head against the furnature, which, trust me, is annoying.

Why should you never poke anything in your ears?

Poking objects in your ears can push earwax deeper into the ear canal, potentially causing blockages or damaging the eardrum. It can also lead to injury or infection. The ear is a delicate organ, and it's best to leave cleaning to a medical professional.

Why is it dangerous to put any long sharp object into the ear?

Putting anything smaller than your elbow, even a Q-tip, can be risky, as you might accidentally push earwax deep inside your ear, where it can get stuck and cause problems. You may develop an infection if you irritate the inside of your ear, and sticking sharp objects inside may cause bleeding and/or serious damage.

Is fluticasone propionate good for ear pressure?

Yes. But don't poke the tip of the sprayed tip into the ear canal. Very far and definitely do not make it or anything else to 'seal'. Instead prime the spray then turn upside downand spray down into the ear andlet soak in.

What is anything relating to the interior of the ear?

Auditory I believe that the answer should be "entotic"

Should you poke or squeeze an ovarian cyst?

You should do neither! This is something a doctor need to take a look at. Do not attemt anything yourself.

What ear should a woman wear one earring?

Whichever you want. There's no such thing as a gay ear or anything like that :)

How do you look after the human ear?

You do nothing but you could use a cotton bud but medical proffesionals say that you should NOT put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear

How must one protect his ears?

Your ears are very important. It is easy to damage your hearing, often permanently, by listening to very loud noises. People often listen to music at dangerous levels, for example. You should use ear plugs or ear coverings when you go to a very loud place like a concert, automobile race, or fireworks show. You should also never poke anything sharp into your ears, because that could damage your eardrum.

Should you poke him?

im guessing no