you should keep things neat for the simple fact that you dont want bugs or rodents in your home
we should wear neat and clean clothes to keep ourselves free from baccterias and diseases.
AS long as it stays neat and it dont smell....
A resume lists skills instead of personality traits, so no. List the things you do that show you are neat and organized instead.
Sure thing, just like a treat, keeping things neat can't be beat. A tidy space is oh so fine, helps you feel calm and in your prime!
A neat line of things side by side is called a stack or row.
"we should organize data because it it would help us figure out our conclusion or answers in a more organized fashion. It would keep things neat and understandable ."
keep our society neat and clean . people can keep their society neat and do that i will volunteer in community service.
'Siutable' and 'neat' are the first two that come to my mind.
it can do tricks
Washing you hand before touching clean appliances is the proper way of doing things. It will keep things more neat and sanitized.
Neat means that things are orderly. Clean means they aren't dirty.