Religious perspective:
Because if you are not kind when God comes to judge you, He will take you to Hell, and no one wants that.
Ethical perspective:
You should be kind because it is the right thing to do and you want others to be kind to you. Being kind will also give you a good reputation before others.
In an interview how should you answer , what kind of people annoy you ?
you should jog
relatives should be kind and helping and they are
it all depends on what kind of performance you want, and what kind of engine you have. for me, i like x-cans, but for your needs you should check out
what kind of scooter is it?
it depends on what kind of vechile you have...
kids should be kind to kids being builled because you would want kids to be kind to you if you were being builled
The kind of smoker grill that you should get should be something that works for you. I do not know what kind of backyard you have so I can not give you the best advice on what kind of smoker you would most like.
What kind of person is correct.
Veterinarian , Vet-Tech , Zoo ,
If you are kind to others , others will be kind to you