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the reason why teenagers should play football is because it is a good way to exercise and to stay out of trouble. if you get good at it then you could maybe get a scholarship to play for a college team.

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Q: Why should teenagers play football?
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No, never play football if you have headache. It will make you fell worse and worse. This is experience from me :(

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If she wants to play football, yeah.

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Teenagers tend to enjoy hanging around people who either have the same style or have the same interests as them. This is because it gives them something to talk about and something to do together.For example two guys who love football end up being good friends because they can talk about football together and play football together.

Why should you play football?

I think we should play football because u might need the exercise and it is a team thing which u could learn a lot about teamwork.

Should i play football with a concussion My team really needs me?

You should not play football with a concussion. The long-term consequences far outweigh the short-term sacrifices.

Should you run track or play football?

If you want to be strong all around play football. If you want strong legs do track