Because Children Are So Precious That There Mothers Or Fathers Should Do It For Them.
Toddlers especially but kids of all ages have a close emotional bond with their mothers, and their mothers excite more extreme emotions when they are with their mothers. This is simply a fact of life. Children also naturally want their mothers' attention. Kids grow out of this phase as they mature and get over separation anxiety.
YES! not all mothers should be granted full custody of their children!
Mothers Apart from Their Children was created in 1979.
not sure about "mothers teach your children" but house of the rising sun says "mothers tell your children, not to do what i have done"
If your children were close with their father you should attend the funeral to be there to support your children.
Oily fish
Step-parents have no inherent rights. You should consult with an attorney.
YES. Fathers have equal rights to their child just as the mothers do. Mothers should not automatically get sole primary physical custody just because they are women. The family court system in the states is starting to lean towards this. Hopefully it will not take 50 years and umpteen kidnapped children.
you separate the mothers and the children just keep the children with their mothers.