Because the code will become sloppy and the presentation will turn unfruitful to its purpose, plus it's very amateurish.
Alphabetic Index
wait, never mind. I made my Morse coder with a paper clip and tested but all i got was a *chook* sound when i conected the wires and a *shchchshhshshchhshchhcshhshh* sound when i fiddled with the connection.
A VOM 'Voltage Meter' measures from a electrical outlet. Any voltage over a 1000 should never be measured directly with it.
One thing you should do is pass your story on to other people, andexplain the reason why they should never stare directly at the sun.
You should not weld on concrete, as it can explode if heated
Average can mean anything these days. Though it all depends on the persons height. The BMI Index (Body mass index) should never be listened to. It was invented by an insane belgiun man in the 19th century, why it is used in the mainstream I have no idea. According to the BMI index most children are obese, which is outragious. and simply not true.
You should never look directly at the sun without proper eye protection, as it can cause permanent eye damage. Additionally, you should never try to touch the sun, as it is a ball of extremely hot gases located millions of miles away from Earth.
I think he has fingers because on Sonic x,(Sonic x never lies)he had his regular hands,and he pointed with i think should be a index index finger. Also some parts of his hands are taller like were his middle finger would be.
A: The sun is very very bright, and if you stare at it you could permanently damage your eyes.
Looking at the sun is very damaging to your eyes. You should never look directly at the sun.
Unless it is a service vehicle that is in use for maintanence, you should never park directly in front of an aircraft.
Index investing refers to ETFs. These can never loose money, except the brokerage fees, and cannot out perform the market.